Are you busy in preparing for the upcoming RBI Officer exam? Then you might be in search for best books for RBI Grade B exam. Of course a lots of RBI exam books are available in the market and finding the right type of reference books for RBI Officers exam is all the more daunting and clearing the exam is not an easy task. We makes this task easier. Want to know? Read on!
To crack RBI Officer Grade B exam, a good preparation with good source of study materials is essential. Here we have provided a list of authenticated RBI Officer Grade B exam books by best authors from well known publishers. Apart from study materials for RBI Grade B exam, suggested topics to be prepared for the exam is given here. Some of you might have joined coaching institutes for RBI Grade B exam. If so, get the explanation for difficult terminologies that you come across in the books. Have an up to date information on RBI current policy rates, market trends, current issues in Indian economy and so on to crack any type of questions in RBI Grade B exam.
Hope you are aware of RBI Officer Grade B exam syllabus and pattern. The exam consists of two phase. Phase I is of objective type and Phase II is of descriptive type. Phase I consists of General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning. Phase II consists of three papers. Paper I English, Paper II Economic and Social Issues and Paper III Finance and Management. Based on this syllabus, let's have a look at the list of best books and topics to prepare for RBI Grade B exam.
Here are some recommended reference guide for RBI Grade B exam. Almost all books shops have this RBI exam books, else you can buy them online from leading online book stores.
Book name: Reserve Bank of India Officers Grade B Examination
Author: Dr. Lal & Jain
Price: Rs.292
Publisher: Upkars Publication
Book name: R.Gupta's Popular Master Guide Reserve Bank Officers Examination
Author: RPH Editorial Board
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House
Price: Rs.250
RBI Grade B Officers Exam Phase-I (Objective Type) Practice Work Book
Author: Kiran Prakashan
Publisher: Kiran Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Price: Rs.115
Book name: Resource Book to RBI Reserve Bank of India for the Examination of Grade-B Executive Interns
Publisher: Bookhive
Price: Rs.273
Here are some good books to prepare for RBI Grade B descriptive paper for Economic and Social Issues, Finance and Management.
Apart from the above have newspaper reading of Economic Times Newspaper, The Hindu or Indian Express. Refer NCERT Class 11 and 12 Economics Book. If possible have a glance at the study of finance administration from the study material of BA Public Administration, go through previous year question papers for RBI Officer Grade B exam, model question papers, bank exam books and so on which will give you an edge to prepare well to face the exam with confidence!
If you want to suggest any good books for RBI Officer Grade B exam, other than those enlisted here, you are welcome to post it on the comment box below. If you found this guidance on RBI Grade B exam useful, help your friends by sharing, on any of the social links.
How to prepare for RBI Grade B exam? Syllabus, pattern & suggested readings
To crack RBI Officer Grade B exam, a good preparation with good source of study materials is essential. Here we have provided a list of authenticated RBI Officer Grade B exam books by best authors from well known publishers. Apart from study materials for RBI Grade B exam, suggested topics to be prepared for the exam is given here. Some of you might have joined coaching institutes for RBI Grade B exam. If so, get the explanation for difficult terminologies that you come across in the books. Have an up to date information on RBI current policy rates, market trends, current issues in Indian economy and so on to crack any type of questions in RBI Grade B exam.
Hope you are aware of RBI Officer Grade B exam syllabus and pattern. The exam consists of two phase. Phase I is of objective type and Phase II is of descriptive type. Phase I consists of General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning. Phase II consists of three papers. Paper I English, Paper II Economic and Social Issues and Paper III Finance and Management. Based on this syllabus, let's have a look at the list of best books and topics to prepare for RBI Grade B exam.
Book list for RBI Officer Grade B Exam
Here are some recommended reference guide for RBI Grade B exam. Almost all books shops have this RBI exam books, else you can buy them online from leading online book stores.
Book name: Reserve Bank of India Officers Grade B Examination
Author: Dr. Lal & Jain
Price: Rs.292
Publisher: Upkars Publication
Book name: R.Gupta's Popular Master Guide Reserve Bank Officers Examination
Author: RPH Editorial Board
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House
Price: Rs.250
RBI Grade B Officers Exam Phase-I (Objective Type) Practice Work Book
Author: Kiran Prakashan
Publisher: Kiran Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Price: Rs.115
Book name: Resource Book to RBI Reserve Bank of India for the Examination of Grade-B Executive Interns
Publisher: Bookhive
Price: Rs.273
RBI Officer Grade B exam books for Descriptive Paper Economic and Social Issues & Finance and Management
Here are some good books to prepare for RBI Grade B descriptive paper for Economic and Social Issues, Finance and Management.
- Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
- Indian Economy by Sanjeev Varma
- Economic Affairs by RN Gupta
- India's Reforms by Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya
- Imagining India by Nandan Nelekani
- Public Finance by H L Bhatia
- Public Finance by Tyagi
- Principles of Management by Tripathi
- Essentials of Management by Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich
RBI Officer Grade B exam - Suggested topics to prepare
- Is Social networking a blessing or curse
- RBI vs Inflation
- Recent changes in RBI's monetary policy
- Monetary measures to control inflation
- Impact of reservation policy on SC/ST
- How delegation be made effective
- Barriers in effective communication
- Discuss leadership styles and theirs roles
Apart from the above have newspaper reading of Economic Times Newspaper, The Hindu or Indian Express. Refer NCERT Class 11 and 12 Economics Book. If possible have a glance at the study of finance administration from the study material of BA Public Administration, go through previous year question papers for RBI Officer Grade B exam, model question papers, bank exam books and so on which will give you an edge to prepare well to face the exam with confidence!
If you want to suggest any good books for RBI Officer Grade B exam, other than those enlisted here, you are welcome to post it on the comment box below. If you found this guidance on RBI Grade B exam useful, help your friends by sharing, on any of the social links.
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HI can u give some insight in questions in paper 2 section 1.. english
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